Saturday, October 2, 2010

Confilict of Kashmir

if you search wiki or others may be this is what you get " Kashmir conflict involves 3 parties India, Pakistan,China 43% of region is occupied by India 37% by Pakistan and 20%by China. India's official position is that Kashmir is an integral part of India. Pakistan's official position is that Kashmir is a disputed territory whose final status must be determined by the people of Kashmir. China's official position is that Aksai Chin is a part of Tibet, which is a part of China."
So from these posts it is evident that Kashmir involves India,Pakistan and China but the major and most important stake holder is always neglected i.e PEOPLE OF KASHMIR!!  India wants Kashmir, Pakistan Wants Kashmir, China wants Kashmir BUT what does people of Kashmir want is never asked by anybody.
If I summarize what Kashmiris want, I get two main points UNIFICATION OF KASHMIR and FREEDOM FROM ALL FOREIGN POWERS
 People of Kashmir are struggling for their rights,they are at war with three nuclear power countries India,Pakistan and China!!

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